Our training and research activities in images

The poster created for the PlaCe conference sessions. Special thanks to  the Department of Antiquities Cyprus for the permission to use on our poster, the photo of a Tell el-Yahudiyeh Ware juglet from the Cyprus Museum, symbolising connectivity across the eastern Mediterranean!

Session3 plain87

PlaCe was actively present in the 29th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland (30 August - 2 September 2023). Three of our fellows, Chase Minos (ESR01), Myrto Kalofonou (ESR09), and Holly Bartlet Balicki (ESR11) have presented their respective research in the frame of our project.CM: New technology, new recipe? Experimental reconstruction of clay pastes for the production of Late Cypriot Plain White pottery from EnkomiMK: Building Idalion: an archaeometric study of plasters used in various architectural structures in the ancient city-kingdom of IdalionHBB: Crafting and consuming SOS amphorae: technology and non-verbal transmission concerning makers and consumersAs our fellows have expressed: “It was a great conference; there were interesting papers and we all received positive feedback!”

EAAHolly Sept23  EAAChase Sept23  EAAMyrto Sept23


The fellows got to learn and experience how to process raw materials for potting from start to finish at the British School at Athens.

From left to right: Chase Minos (ESR01) and Ismael Rodriguez (ESR14), Ilia Kovalev (ESR02), Archontoula Barouda (ESR07), Christiana Kelepeshi (ESR04) and Anastasia Thamnopoulou (ESR03.C), Myrto Kalofonou (ESR09), Matilde Quilici (ESR05) and Anastasia Thamnopoulou (ESR03.C)

  BSA Ilia Christiana Anastasia Dia  BSA Myrto Matildi Anastasia

The fellows at the BSA, where they were also able to see the effect that potters' actions have on the final ceramic products by studying a range of experimental briquettes in thin section and the results of elemental analysis, April 2023.

BSA potting day

The whole group during their visit to Aegina, in April 2023.

Christiana Kelepeshi (ESR04), Theodoros Vasileiou (ESR08), Paola Pizzo (ESR15) and Chase Minos (ESR01) during their visit to Aegina exploring the ceramic landscape of the island, where they learnt about the clay resources of Aegina, archaeological and ethnographic pottery making, and the geological history of the island during the training week at the British School at Athens, in April 2023.


14 Early Stage Research (ESR) fellows and 2 of the short-term ESRs in Greece, ready to participate in a course on ‘Raw Materials for Ceramics and Plasters: from the field to the lab at the British School at Athens, in April 2023.

Paola Pizzo (ESR15) working on the analysis of her samples thin section in the microscopy lab of ITAM, February 2023.

Christiana Kelepeshi (ESR04) while fused sample is poured in nitric acid following lithium metaborate fusion procedure for geochemical analyses (ICP-OES &-MS).

Christiana Kelepeshi (ESR04) is powdering ceramic samples for geochemical analyses

Christiana Kelepeshi (ESR04) while presenting at the FoMArc conference in Cyprus, December 2022.

Archontoula Barouda (ESR07) at the Ceramic Petrology Group Meeting in Ghent, Belgium in November 2022.

 Paola Pizzo (ESR15), Myrto Kalofonou (ESR09) and Matilde Quilici (ESR05) attending the sixth Historic Mortar Conference in Ljubljana, September 2022.

Paola Pizzo (ESR15) during the training course in Cyprus,  July 2022.  

Sara Carrión Anaya (ESR06) at the UCSD Levantine Archaeology Lab sampling her materials in May 2022.

Sara Carrión Anaya (ESR06) with her co-supervisor Dr. Margie Burton during her first stay at University of California - San Diego in May 2022.

 Archontoula Barouda (ESR07) out in geological fieldwork in Alexandroupolis, Greece for the collection of field samples.

Archontoula Barouda (ESR07) doing scientific analysis of ceramics using ceramic petrography in the Fitch Laboratory of British School at Athens.