May 2024

PlaCe-ITN is proudly organising the PLAsters and CEramics sessions in the frame of #icasemme4 conference! The full programme for the four PlaCe sessions can be found below. You may find more info about ICAS-EMME 4 and the other conference sessions by visiting this link.

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 PlaCe programme page 1

PlaCe programme page 2

ICAS EMME4 final poster



February 2024

PlaCe-ITN is organising the PLAsters and CEramics session in the frame of #icasemme4 conference! Join us in Nicosia to discuss everything about the plaster and ceramic heritage of premodern Eastern Mediterrannean! For more info about abstract submission and important dates:

Many thanks to the Department of Antiquities Cyprus for the permission to use on our poster, the photo of a Tell el-Yahudiyeh Ware juglet from the Cyprus Museum, symbolising connectivity across the eastern Mediterranean!

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April 2023

  • Applications are open for the last two of the short-term (6-months) fellowships, for the academic year 2023-24. Closing date is 2 May 2023 - apply now! Recruitment from 1 September 2023, or thereafter. CLOSED

June 2022

May 2022

  • A 30-month ESR fellowship in the framework of PlaCe-ITN is announced at the National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos", in Athens, with a deadline on the 30th of JUNE 2022. Please click HERE for the details.  *PLEASE NOTE THE NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE for applications set on Thursday, 30th of June 2022. * 

May / June 2021

  • Congratulations to the successful applicants for our 3-year Early Stage Fellowships - all positions have now been filled, and we look forward to welcoming our new Fellows on 1 September when they will commence their resaerch training.
  • Demand for these fellowships has been very strong, and we were very sorry that we could not make more offers and accommodate all of the many excellent applicants. 
  • Applications are still open for the first two of the short-term (6-months) fellowships, for the academic yeaer 2021-22. Closing date is 14 June - apply now! The next two fellowships will be opened in Spring 2022 for the academic year 2022-23.

March 2021

  • The kick-off of PlaCe-ITN was held on the 23rd of  March, 2021. The internal kick-off meeting was preceded by an online public Introduction to PlaCe. The public event was broadcasted on The Cyprus Institute YouTube channel, and interested individuals can watch it again. If interested, you can also see the programme of our online pubic event.
  • PlaCe-ITN formally started on the 1st March, 2021 and will run for four years until the end of February, 2025. You can read here the official announcement by The Cyprus Institute.  Also, there were several articles in Cypriot media outlets about the beginning of our project.